Saturday, April 01, 2006

I hate my mouse!

Goodmorning! well, ok it isn't morning, but somewhere in the world it is! I must explain the title of this blog. The mouse for my computer has off days when it decides not to work and then I get really annoyed and get off the computer right away. Sorry to anyone who I haven't actually written back in a long time, that's why. I just don't have the patience! But I will get back to you! So anyways, I started a new job this week, working at the office in the hospital in town every other weekend for a couple hours. Which is nice b/c then I get some money and will actually be able to pay for prom gifts! Yay for me! I'm really dreading going to choir on Monday b/c I haven't practiced any of my songs this week, for lack of having a voice! and my director is going to kill me! She's going into PMS mode right now with festival only a couple weeks away. I haven't even memorised any of my songs (ooppss!) So yea, pretty much I'm going to die.

In other news I've been doing a lot of thinking about where my priorities have been these last few weeks, and I didn't really like the outcome. My thoughts have been pretty much focused on school and boys. God has been the thing to think about while doing devotions and once in a while at school. It's not a pretty picture, and while my age may have something to do with thinking about boys, that still doesn't excuse it. Blah! Such a problem. It hit me last night at youth group, that if I want to be a missionary or even participate in a short term mission as I'm planning to the year after next, then maybe I should get prioritizing. But it's hard, b/c even as I sat down to right this, there was a little voice in my head that said "ok, now right the 'deep God talk' and be done with it." My heart is being pulled in a million different directions, which is sooooo frustrating. Anyways, I should get some work done, this has been my release for the day, could you guys pray for me? please? That I get my mind back on God, not pushing him to the side until I think I need him? Thanks! Love ya!


Blogger Faye said...

Dear God, our minds can be treacherous, stubborn things. Heaven knows mine is-otherwise I would be doing the paper that is due tommorow instead of checking blogs and email. At any rate, I'm asking you to show Kelly romance, to drive her to distraction with thoughts of you. Woe her like Tristan to Isolde (actually, I have no idea who is the man in that tale- I just heard that the story's similar to Romeo and Juliet). Amen.

10:58 AM  

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