Sunday, April 23, 2006

Grad 06-In Christ Alone

Yesterday I went to Prairie again for the graduation ceremony and to hang out with some friends. This was the first time I had seen most of them since the end of November, just before my accident. Oh my goodness! What a time! I had such a blast, just seeing people again and catching up as best I could. I have never been so sad to leave though. I was so determined not to cry, but just ended up crying half way through church today anyways. I can't believe how much has happened in the eight months since I was there at Summit. The most rewarding part was seeing Bob graduate, after being there for seven years!! It was awesome to see him get that little piece of paper saying he was done. Oh my goodness, and what a response he got when his name got called. That was the most awesomest thing I've ever seen. Although he will be missed around there, it's great to see him go and so happy. I also got to see Chris, Seth and Nathan there, meet Seth's wife, they've only been married, well I guess almost a year now. But I haven't seen him since Sam graduated. Ben and Christy were at Keith and Jamie's after so that was cool to see him too since I haven't seen him since he came to our house a couple years ago. Chris I didn't see since last summer I guess. But it was sooo much fun. For a moment I thought that Ben was Tobin, but he wasn't so that was confusing. Anyways, I also learned something last night when doing my devotions. I've been to anxious to get married and have a family, that I haven't been focusing on God and my other relationships. I had it planned out too! Get married at 21, have kids and then do something. But I don't think that's quite what God wants. I don't know, sooo confusing. Maybe I'll just focus on getting done highschool eh? Anyways, here's a couple verses to leave you with.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:6-7

God Bless ya throughout the coming week!


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