Sunday, December 07, 2008

Exam week

Well, it's finally here, the moment of truth as to whether we've actually learned anything in the last three months of being back at school. This week I have 5 exams which is not exactly conducive to getting a whole lot of sleep...but it's needed so it must happen. I'm kind of nervous about my exams and getting through them, although, not as nervous as handing in this Ethics paper that is currently sitting on my desk. I wrote on the Ethics of short term missions, which has been an interesting thing for me and it feels slightly hypocritical. I really love short term missions, but I wrote against it for reasons that really do irk me about the whole set-up in general, and there are serious problems with the system of stm's that I feel needs to be dealt with. There needs to be a little bit more structure there for them to be effective.
The semester, wow, how to sum up the last three months. I don't think I can, it's definately been a journey, learning that I'm definately NOT as secure as I thought I was coming back on campus. Learning to deal with people and be back in a school setting. Struggling with how to give things up to God and be content in him, it still hasn't come yet...learning that one. When to speak and when to be silent. When to be silly and when to be serious. When to be strong and when to cry. Learning more about myself and others around me. It's very general, but I need more time to process this time. I am EXTREMELY thankful for the friends that I've made and reconnected with. Will they last after this year? I hope so, I really love people.
Anyways, I should get back to work, Jeff and I are going home on thursday, it will not come soon enough!
Merry Christmas!


Blogger Faye said...

Hey Kelly, thanks for these last 2 posts. They're beautiful. They honestly and eloquently expressed where you were at. Praying God will continue to increase in you.

8:42 PM  

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