Friday, October 05, 2007


Hey! I just realized how long it had been since I blogged!! Oopppsss! So here's a quicky update from July. We had an awesome last week in Belize City and then boarded a plane July 22 and made our way back to Warrenton. Customs was a nightmare b/c they were backed up in Dallas so there was, no joke, at least 200 people waiting in line in the non-American side and 400 in the american side, it was ridiculous! Thank God that they delayed our flight so that we could catch the connection to St. Louis. Anyways, then July 26th I boarded another flight back to the wonderful land of Alberta. August was spent teaching swimming lessons and enjoying being at home with friends and family and generally trying to figure out my life for the fall. In the middle of August I felt that it would be beneficial to return to Warrenton and take a Children's Ministry Institute from September 3-November 16th. So, September 2, after much prayer and tears and wondering if this was God's will for me, I again left my home country and took off for Warrenton Missouri. Several hours later I landed in the St. Louis airport, exhausted but feeling like it was a good thing to be here. And here I am over a month later, still alive and still not knowing why God called me here! Talk to you later!


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