Saturday, June 16, 2007

In Warrenton!

Well hello my friends! Just a little update while I have time! It's a good time here in the little town of Warrenton Missouri. I'm not actually in Warrenton I guess, we're 5-10 miles outside the town but it's a good time. The compound is small but it works for the amount of people they have on it at one time. In the summer they may have 100 on at one time but there are 65 OMS (over seas Missionaries) training here so right now is the busiest time. There are dorm rooms but my team got a small apartment that is separated from the actual dorm rooms that other girls are living in. We are the only apartment that has to go OUTSIDE from the building to actually get into it. It's alright though, there are two rooms, mine, because I got here Thursday night, got the big double bed and the other two girls got the room with two single beds in it! It's a nice little 'home' away from the classroom when we get out of there. This past week was going over a lot of teacher training regarding the materials that we received for the clubs that we're going to be teaching. Next week will be a lot of the overseas material and preparing us for that. We average 6, 45min classes a day and then after supper is 'team time' to build team unity. 'Guided study' for homework and STP which is basically evening chapel. My two teammates are Kristin Hanson and Rebekah (Becky) Dolan. Kristin likes to think she's 19 b/c her b-day is in a week and Becky is 18. Both have just graduated from highschool, Kristin in Nebraska and Becky in Iowa. Last night we went out and did open air ministries, which is basically street evangelism. It was interesting because we ministered in all black neighbourhoods but they were surpisingly open to what we had to say and even if they were going somewhere they would stop to hear a 15-20min story about Jesus and some of them even accepted Christ! It was a blessing for many teams! We leave for Belize on June 22, I don't know what time but I do know that we have a layover in Miami. It'll be interesting b/c I think the flight from Miami to Belize City is 7 1/2 hrs! It'll be a good time! OSM students are going all over the place! There's teams going to Ireland,Iceland, Bulgaria, Greece, Australia, Miami, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ft.Hood Txs. Salt Lake City, New York and of course Belize! It'll be a good time, we're all starting to get more used to eachother and it's been a good time! I love my teammates and everyone is really friendly. I still laugh when I say I'm from Alberta and ppl are like 'Oh I know someone in Toronto!' Kinda not close at all to me! But it's good everybody has been nice! Anyways, I should take off. We're going on a medicine run for Becky to get her Malaria medication picked up! I hope everyone is going well and I love you and miss you lots! Oh! before you ask, I don't know exactly where I am on my support, my parents are supposed to let me know in a few days! God Bless you all!


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