Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bye bye

Campus is quiet today. There are a bunch of people gone. The Explore people left about 7:30 friday morning, the ski trip people left a little after six that night and some people like nick, elisa, joel and a bunch of others went to help at a retreat at camp evergreen this weekend. It's weird how you get used to having a bunch of people around and then suddenly their not there. Oh ya, the aviation students are doing their first aid thing this weekend too, so they're not around all weekend either. I miss my friends that are gone, some of them, especially those in the E2 program are not coming back until the week of grad in April. I am happy that they got to go to Camp big horn and complete the practical end of their program, but at the same time I'm sad because friendships have a hard time growing over long distances. I have to finish a presentation on Menno simons today, well not have to but I would like to. Although at the rate things are going it probabaly won't happen.


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