Friday, January 30, 2009


LOOK! Do you see me?
LISTEN! Do you hear me?
I want to kick and scream, yell and shout, jump and wave, until you do

An ant is what I feel like
A bug, buzzing around your head
A child, begging to be loved.

Invisibility comes to mind
Unwanted, unnoticed

How long until this ends?
How long do I have to wait?
How long until you see my tears?

My heart aches,trying to jump out of my chest
There is no rest


Blogger Faye said...

Hello Kelly. Sorry, I've done a poor job of keeping up. I just felt like God wanted to have me stand in as his voice for a moment to say, "I see you." Meditate on that. Take turns emphasizing a different word in the sentence each time. It's a short sentence so it won't take long:) You're never forgotten, Kelly. God has your name inscribed in the palm of his hand (Isaiah 49:16). That's right- if you can picture God as a big, burly motor-cycle gang leader, then your's is the name he went to a tattoo parlour to unashamedly take the needle out of the tattoo artist's hand into his own and permanently feature on one of the most painful, but memorable places possible. Because he likes to show off your picture as often as possible. Because he loves you. Because he's proud of you.

9:42 PM  

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