Friday, April 28, 2006


Good morning! I am writing VERY early in the morning and wish I could still be sleeping but SOMEBODY (cough sam! cough) had to call and wake me up! Goodness! Oh well I'll live. Anyways, mom broke her leg this week in three places. She was trying to let a crazy cow out and then it knocked down some pannels and mom turned to get out of the way but her whole leg decided not to turn with her. So she broke her leg just below the knee. Ouch. She had surgery on Wednesday to get some pins and a plate put in it. I haven't seen her, just talked to her on the phone.
This week is festival, and whooooo boy am I glad it's almost done. Although it was fun. The adjudicator that judged three of my 5 songs and the choir stuff was Winston Noren. Oh my goodness, he has an amazing voice! It's soo cool, and funny too. Corey Tanton (?) I think that's her last name judged my contemporary Gospel song, and gave me a higher mark than Mr. Noren, but that's ok. I didn't even get an 'H' for any of my songs. I know that I'm better than what I performed most of the time b/c I was so nervous. I didn't even look at Mr. Noren after the first day b/c he made me sooooooo nervous! I didn't look at Corey either b/c they just stare at you and it's sooooo unnerving. But yea, a couple girls in my choir got reccommended to Provincials this year. Our Choir got 3 'H' s so that was cool. We're singing in the Grand Concert on Sunday.
On this day five months ago I had my car accident. IT was sooooooo scary. The scars are slowly but surely turning white, and there is still some glass in my hand. I don't want to get it taken out thought b/c then it'll wreck my fav scar. It's weird to have a favourite, but when you have as many as I do on your hand, you'll understand.
Carm came home last weekend and I really love having her home. It's sooooo nice especially since her and Barry are tentatively planning on gettting married next summer. But nothing's official yet. Anyways, I'd better go.
Have a good day, God Bless and wish me luck today! (Last of our songs are today, and then the Grand concert!)


Blogger Faye said...

What does your favourite scar look like? Why is it your favourite? If you were going to get a tatoo to commemorate the event that gave you the scar in the first place, what would it look like or say and where would you put it and why?

2:14 PM  

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