Thursday, January 25, 2007


It's been a while since I blogged. School is going well....I'm taking History of growth in Christianity, Spiritual Formation and the Church, Intro to the New Testament, Psychology and Intro to Theology. All my classe are going well, although theology is definately not my favourite course. The teacher is kind of a weirdo and for some weird reason likes to be up at 8:00 in the morning...which is when that class is! Ha! go figure! That is when Swim team actually gets out too and so it is a little bit of a rush to get from the pool to class in relatively decent time. One of my friends brings me some snacky food from the dining hall breakfast menu so that is awesome. I actually get to eat before noon!! Yay! The toss up for my fav classes is definately between History and Spiritual formation. Just because I actually get my history fix with that class, but spiritual formation is designed to really help you grow and mature as a Christian and the discussions are very interesting to have. We talked about prayer and solitude in today's class and it is really cool. We also talked about the difference between relationship and religion dealing with Jesus and what the difference between having a relationship with him is and just participating in an organized 'religion'. Oh my gosh, it is a lot of fun. My history class is actually a 200 level course so it's a little intimidating to have juniors and seniors in this class that I am in. There are sophomores too...but they are older. There is also a lot of married students in the class so mostly I stay quiet, and try to understand what the teacher is saying. It's cool though b/c a couple of the ppl in my class are good friends of Carm's so I'm not so frustrated about being the youngest.
We had our first extension of the new year in Bow Island last weekend. It was a VERY long drive and really exhausting and frustrating but a good time.....I liked being able to connect more with the ppl on the choir and it's so much fun travelling with Jubilation(the instrumental group) that goes a long with us. We have some pretty sweet tunes with them and they are all AMAZING instrumentalists. But we lost some ppl from them, like the electric guitarist, and a couple trumpet players. We managed...but it was weird not having them here.
I'm doing ok spiritually. God has been teaching me a lot over Christmas holidays and over the last few weeks here. I am trying to branch out and get to know some more ppl on campus and choir is helping a lot with that. I'm excited for my next extension but also frustrated because I won't get to go home until at least the middle of February...which is annoying. But that's the way it goes I guess. I have a meeting with the CEF person here in Three Hills tomorrow and we're going to meet for coffee or talking or something. I'm not exactly sure what's going to go on with that. But anyways, I'm going to go get some more studying done. Hasta luego mi amigos. El Dios Bendice!


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