Thursday, August 24, 2006

Gosh, summer is almost over!

Wello.........hehehehe oooppsss, I was going to say well hello, and ended up saying wello. Sorry! Know what I decided? A mind is a terrible thing to waste on housework. When it would be doing so many other important things, like sleeping! That's a good idea, I wish I was sleeping right now, but if I don't do this now it won't get done!! So, I was thinking I'd recap the summer a little bit, and expand on it. Starting with relationships, (how'd you guess?). I met a tonne of fantastic people this summer at camp (Kellen, Trisha,Katelyn Lisa, Mitch, Rory, Amber, Andrea, Jon, Freddy, David just to name a few love you guys sooooo much) and learned a lot of things. First, I learned how much I miss being surrounded by Christians in a Christian enviroment. To have everything revolve around how to better help kids learn about God is an awesome thing and I really envy those people who get to do it all the time. Second, I learned just how much I love kids, my cousins yes I love to bits, but seeing these kids run circles around me was one of the best experiences of my whole life. Third, on a down note, I learned how easily it is to become distracted and cause pain. When I was at camp, I really struggled with how my relationships to other staff members progressed. I had a hard time connecting with God then got so frustrated that I was rude to a lot of people. At least that's how I feel I was. I'm sorry you guys, if anyone picked up on that vibe and got offended. Please realize that I'm trying!! I have a question, where does jealousy come from? Like different from envy, but jealous of other people's relationships with each other? For example, when a bunch of my friends got engaged or started dating, I'm like....I want that. Is that from God, because God get's jealous or is it from the devil? If anyone has ideas, it be nice if they shared it with me!
Anyways, ummm, yea away from camp I learned just how much I can fight with my sister. Carm and I had such a nasty time this year trying to stay "professional" (they really should out-law having siblings being boss/employee together!) And how much I focus on the negative,really should stop that eh? I also learned how much people can surprise you. One girl, who shall remain nameless, that I met, a little younger than me. Has a problem in dealing with guys, she can't let them decide they like her, she has to push them. And when I first met her, it was weird realizing that she did this. But the last time I talked to her, she is so much like me when I was.....well even last year and this year to a point. I still struggle with that, but she has sooo much spunk. Gosh, she's an awesome girl and I pray will turn out to be the most awesomest woman ever! Anyways, ummm, ya. I think that's it that's all I have to say. Except that I'm almost moved into college, just one more week and then I'm back to the grindstone. Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen. I have this weird feeling I'm gonna end up being a housewife, just b/c I am really bored of school. Why am I going this year then? My parents want me to get a grounding in my faith before going "out into the cruel world". Probably a good thing, and I'll love it there, I know I will. Anyways, I could bring this back around to a very deep spiritual thing, but I'm not going to, just b/c it's late and I'm sounding really stuck up right now and don't want to talk anymore.
Prayer requests: Some time for wounds to heal. That my roommate won't kill me when she learns how unclean I am. That relationships will continue to grow and friends won't drift apart. Please pray for safe trips and awesome journeys, and that God will make his plans clear to those who seek him. Amen
God Bless, love ya all soooooooo much
Have a great evening/Day/afternoon!


Blogger Faye said...

Greetings and salutations Kelly. I left you a real comment on the post below. Israel was a good experience. Other than the fact that I'm now really stressed out about getting enough $ to go back to school in the Fall, I've been relaxing and enjoying my break from academic stuff. I'll tell you more later.

10:06 PM  

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