Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Easter is coming soon!!

Well hello guys!! It’s been quite a long time since I blogged last so an update is long overdue. I have only a few weeks left here at Prairie and then my time as a freshmen will be over! I am sad, because this chapter of my life is drawing to a close, but happy that there will be a blessed four months of not sitting in a classroom, and not writing papers. This semester was definitely harder than the last, I had a 200 level history course which was almost the death of me! Thank God for the friends that I made in that class and the teacher is an awesome man.
The end of the semester marks the beginning of another part of my life before becoming a sophomore here at Prairie (yes I am coming back!) The Ambassador choir and Jubilation Wind Ensemble, go on tour to Vancouver Island for three weeks immediately after grad this year. We will be spending the majority of that time on a VERY cramped tour bus, so please pray for us! Tour is one of the major times of really getting to know each other more, although we have been together all year it’s hard to get to know the members when they range from freshmen to senior.
Getting back from tour on May 19 will be the start of a very busy couple of weeks for me. I’m hopefully going to be working at the Castor pool again (!!) for at least part of the summer. Carm’s wedding is on June 2 and the Holloway clan is indeed preparing the meal for the reception. Also, since have of Carmen’s wedding party will be on tour, preparing bridal showers and the oh so important Bachelorette party is going to be fun!
After Carm’s wedding I am planning to fly to St. Louis Missouri and from there travel to Warrenton. Why you ask? Hehehehe….well I am going to Belize this summer!!! YIPPPEEE!!! I am going with Child Evangelism Fellowship for four weeks, with an additional two weeks training before then in Warrenton. CEF’s main programs are DVBS (daily vacation bible school) GNC (Good News Club), Open Air Campaigners (street evangelism) and a variety of other programs, designed to reach children mostly with the gospel. 85% of people who come to faith in Jesus Christ have said that they did so before they turned 15 years old! What an awesome opportunity for the gospel! Sorry, I am doing a little advertising for them!! Lol. Anyways yea, I really had the impression on my heart last semester to go on a missions trip and God really opened up the door for me to go on this trip. I am VERY scared right now, to say that I am actually going to another country and being away from my family and everything that I know. I’ve never even been out of Canada for goodness sake! So to say that I am a little freaked, would be an understatement! I am also a worry wart….so if you guys could pray for me that would be the awesomestest thing in the world!! But yea, that’s my story for right now. I do have a paper to write and work to do, but HURAHHH for Easter break! All the college/university students say ‘Amen’ with me!! Anyways, I am going to enjoy a full 4 days at home! Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well this year! God Bless


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