Wednesday, November 19, 2008


If I screamed would you hear it?
If I cried would you see it?
If I told you all my fears would you understand them?

No you wouldn't
I would keep it in a box
A box for my eyes only
I would lock it away
and hide the key

The box would be mine,
mine alone.

Afraid to show the world
afraid to let them in.

Then there would be no comfort
from those things that made me cry

Because all the world would see
is the stone on the outside.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One year

Has it really been a year since I was on a plane on my way home from Missouri? So much has happened in this last year. I don't even feel like the same person who got on that plane, I feel older, wiser maybe. Interesting, and yet I still have so much more to do, so much more to grow. Time flies in this life. "For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh boy...long overdue!

Hey guys! I do realize how grossly overdue this update is, my seems that I have been less inclined to write down my thoughts as of late. I am once again back in Three Hills at Prairie Bible College. It is weird being back and seeing people from my freshmen class a year ahead of me, in school and in life it seems, however I know that this is not true, because we have all grown, just in different ways. I transfered my program from the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry-Multidisciplinary-youth/Intercultural studies to a simple Associate of Arts in General Studies degrees. So I am going to be finished this year. It's a weird thing to think of, moving on into a different part of life. I love being here at prairie and getting to hang out with friends and not have to worry about life. But at the same time I now realize why people call it a bubble. Even in talking with some of my friends, they really do not see the full sides of me and I do not of them, there's just things that you don't realize or learn about in a college situation. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends dearly, but I am realizing more and more the differences between school and working. Anyways, I digress, school is going well. There's a lot of new people that I had to get to know, but are amazing people. I wish that I could get to know them more than one year of school will allow.
My prayer at the beginning of this year was to try and make an impact in the lives of those around me, especially in the freshmen's lives because I know I really appreciated the upperclassmen around me when I was a freshmen, I appreciated their maturity and wisdom. Although I am not calling myself anywhere near mature, I feel that I could make a difference. It's cool because most of my floor is freshmen, so it's been an interesting semester. But I will continue another day. Have a good day!