Saturday, September 18, 2010


I am starting to get a little frustrated. I know that I am not able to be friends with a certain person right now. But this is getting fricking ridiculous. It's been 6 months, and still people have to send him messages saying that I am going to be somewhere so that he is 'forewarned'. Why do they agree with me when I say that things are not healthy for him, and yet keep doing things to promote his not getting over it. Maybe I am expecting too much, indeed I don't know all he's going through right now, but it is a little frustrating. As well when my friends ask me if I am doing things to intentionally put myself in his head, it pisses me off! Why...why why!!! When I am doing my best to give space and limit contact to help him get over it, do I feel like it's working against me? Fricking pooper! I may be thinking about this too much. But bah! It is so frustrating, and I feel like he will never move on when this is happening, I am trying, Lord I am trying...why is it so hard?


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