Thursday, November 23, 2006


It's been bugging me lately, how I appear to other people. I want to appear mature and with it but at the same time I want to have fun. Where is the balance between having fun and just being stupid? Also. about the same time I want to be able to grow in Christ and love and trust my creator. How is this done, if there isn't growth towards maturity? I don't know if it's just me, or if I am reading into things. But...see there's this project that I've been doing with a couple other ppl, two guys and one other girl. Tonight I was kinda screwing around after we were done working, and my friend, the other girl was sitting quietly in the corner talking to another one of our friends. I think back over that a couple hours later, and wonder, how do I appear to other people. I know we're not supposed to care what other people think, but it is really important to me. I don't really know why, but the way that I come across is something that really concerns me. It's probably because there is an image that you create of yourself everywhere you go right? And I know other people who I consider extremely immature, and don't want to be perceived as that, but am really scared that I am just the older version of them. How is this over come? And on that note, how do people become less selfish? Me, me me me me....that word is probably used more often in speech than any other word, but how is it overcome? I mean...what's the point of going off to college and doing things but not growing up. Blah, ramblings. It's soo frustrating!! God, I don't know where you are leading my life. But please, I want to have fun and follow after you. Help me to find that balance and become the woman that you want me to be! Amen
God Bless everyone,